A transplanted pig kidney offers a grandmother hope for life without dialysis

A surgical team at NYU Langone Health hospital, including Dr. Robert Montgomery (right), transplants a kidney from a genetically modified pig into patient Towana Looney, who’s been on dialysis since 2016. Joe Carrotta for NYU Langone Health Joe Carrotta for NYU Langone Health NEW YORK – Towana Looney can hardlyContinue Reading

Taking vitamin D is unlikely to prevent falls or fractures. Here's what it does

Taking vitamin D supplements doesn’t appear to prevent fractures among older adults, but the vitamin is necessary for overall health. Baac3nes/Moment RF/Getty Images Baac3nes/Moment RF/Getty Images It’s that time of year when your body produces less vitamin D. Sunshine is the main source of vitamin D, and we need itContinue Reading